Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Welcome to Everything AG with Silence and Willow!

Hello, Willow here, now I'm going to talk about our new blog! We are really excited to do this. As you probably already know us, I won't go too much into our profiles, but you can check those out too if you want. My{Willow's}American Girl dolls include, Marisol{GOTY '05}, Melissa{MAG #25}, Jess{GOTY '06}, Elizabeth{Colonial BFF}, Sonali{Friend to Chrissa, GOTY of '09}, Ivy{BFF '70's} and a mystery doll. My{Silence's}American Girl dolls include, Nicki{GOTY '07} Felicity{Historical retired} Elizabeth{BFF retired Historical}, Rebbecca{Historical}, Kanani{GOTY 2011} & Josephina{Historical}. We both just adore dolls. So on this blog there will be doll crafts, about our dolls, reviews on American Girl items, things of that sort.
~Willow and Silence
PS, I{Willow}will write in green, while Silence will write in pink.
PPS, The background is my American girl Contest photo for 'Color'. 


  1. Your blog is awesome Willow and Silence! I can't wait to read more! :)
    ~BeckieRebeca Rubin

    1. Hi there! Silence here. Thanks so much, AmericanGirlCrazy123!! We really appreciate it, we hope to update as much as possible! So keep checking in for more fun posts!


Hey there! We hope you like our blog! We love comments, so please feel free to drop us a line.
~Silence and Willow